LUMIN Schools Network Model
We are a Christ-centered, people-first network of schools. The well-being of our students is at the center of every decision we make. We preach the importance of continuous self-improvement, and that applies to students and staff alike. We are always striving to be better in mind, body and soul.
While we recognize each of our seven campuses is unique, LUMIN has developed a tried and true model implemented at each school. We have academic, spiritual and character-development programs in place that together make up what we call the LUMIN model. We invite you to learn more about the way this model works.
Rigorous Academics
We offer top-rated, nationally-recognized curriculum in all LUMIN Schools; however, we know even the best curriculum is nearly worthless without a great teacher to implement it. With this in mind, we do everything in our power to hire, train and develop the best teachers because we know they are the change-makers in the classroom. That's our commitment to our students.
Here is the curriculum we offer in classrooms, led by truly talented and inspiring teachers. Note, we are a standards-aligned school network, meaning every piece of content we put in front of students is aligned to Common Core Standards.
ZEARN Math (grades 1-5)
According to the ZEARN Math website, " Zearn Math is a uniquely integrated approach to math teaching and learning, connecting a rigorous curriculum with a cohesive classroom system, professional development based on pedagogical content, and actionable reports on student learning."
Why we love it at LUMIN Schools
ZEARN Math is a blended model, which means there is a teacher-led lesson and an online lesson covering similar material. As a result, students get a double dose of instruction with two different delivery methods. Every lesson is grade level material. While students are doing the online portion of the lesson, teachers can track real-time understanding for each student, and provide additional coaching specialized instruction on a one-on-one bases when needed.
ALEKS (grades 6-8)
According to the ALEKS website, "Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces is a Web-based, artificially intelligent assessment and learning system. ALEKS uses adaptive questioning to quickly and accurately determine exactly what a student knows and doesn't know in a course. ALEKS then instructs the student on the topics she is most ready to learn. As a student works through a course, ALEKS periodically reassesses the student to ensure that topics learned are also retained. ALEKS courses are very complete in their topic coverage and ALEKS avoids multiple-choice questions. A student who shows a high level of mastery of an ALEKS course will be successful in the actual course she is taking."
Why we love it at LUMIN Schools
ALEKS is a great tool to use in support of what teachers are teaching in class. Teachers can use metrics from each student's online lessons to determine the level of understanding on an individual basis. Teachers can then provide additional help to those who need it, or provide more challenging material to those who are excelling. ALEKS is adaptive, adjusts based on each student's level of understanding. This is especially valuable in classrooms where students have a broad range of math achievement. For the teacher-led portion of each lesson, LUMIN teachers also use Engage NY.
Lucy Calkins & TCRWP Colleagues Units of Study (grades K4-8)
According to the Units of Study website, "Lucy Calkins and her Teachers College Reading and Writing Project coauthors aim to prepare students for any reading and writing task they will face and to turn kids into life-long, confident readers and writers who display agency and independence. Lucy and her colleagues have drawn on their more than 30 years of research and work in thousands of schools across the country and around the world to develop powerful curriculum resources, instructional methods, and professional learning opportunities to support teachers as they work together and with their students toward these vitally important goals."
Why we love it at LUMIN Schools
Units of Study is a thinking curriculum in that we are empowering young minds and voices to be leaders in their classes and beyond. LUMIN uses the Workshop Model, splitting each class period into two parts. First is a grade-level mini-lesson taught by the teacher. Then students work in small groups or alone for the rest of the class period to practice what was taught. During that time, the teacher can assess each student's skills and understanding in order to provide help with specific skills. What comes through loud and clear for students is the power of writing; it is a vehicle for your voice, your ideas and your stories to be heard!
In K4 through 5th grade, science is all about deepening non-fiction reading and writing skills. Students learn facts through research projects, but they also work on sharing information and expressing ideas through writing and presenting.
Mystery Science (grades K4-5)
As described on the Mystery Science website, "Every lesson begins with a Mystery that hooks students which is then followed by a narrated story told with stunning images and videos that prompt class discussions. Every lesson concludes with simple hands-on activities)."
Why we love it at LUMIN Schools
Our students are captivated by the vivid stories that introduce each scientific topic. Having a mystery component in each lesson is intriguing for students and gets them excited about the subject matter.
Project Lead the Way: Medical Detectives (Grades 6-8)
The Project Lead the Way website describes the curriculum this way. "Students play the role of real-life medical detectives as they collect and analyze medical data to diagnose disease. They solve medical mysteries through hands-on projects and labs, measure and interpret vital signs, examine nervous system structure and function, and investigate disease outbreaks.
Why we love it at LUMIN Schools
LUMIN Schools are in the early phases of using Medical Detectives. Our staff and students are drawn to this curriculum because it is hands-on, meaning they are learning by doing. Using resources actually used in the medical field, our scholars become critical-thinkers and problem-solvers In addition this curriculum gives youth a window into science and medical-based career fields.
Character Education
